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2018 Waec Gce Biology Theory & Obj Answers - Nitegist

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1. WAEC GCE 2018 Biology (Objective and Theory) Answers – September


Mammalian Skeleton. Mammals are highly advanced vertebrate animals and have complex skeletons. ... The axial skeleton consists of the skull, spinal column and rib cage and the appendicular includes the bones of the arms, legs, hands, feet, pelvis and shoulder.

1c)Functions of mammalian skeleton


The skeleton provides the framework which supports the body and maintains its shape.


The joints between bones allow movement, some allowing more than others. Movement is powered by skeletal muscles. Muscles, bones and joints allow movement, all coordinated by the nervous system.


The skeleton helps to protect the vital organs from being damaged. Ribcage, sternum and spine protect the lungs, heart and major blood vessels; the skull protects the brain; the vertebrae protect the spinal cord.

Blood cell production:

The skeleton is the site of hematopoiesis, the development of blood cells which occurs in the bone marrow.


Bone can store many minerals. The bone matrix can store calcium and is used in calcium metabolism. Bone marrow can store iron in ferritin and is involved in iron metabolism.


The skeleton provides many points of attachment fro muscles and tendons. The bones also attach to hold the body together (see support).

1. Phylum Rhizopoda
2. Phylum Zoomastigina
3. Phylum Ciliophora
4. Phylum Sporozoa
5. Phylum Rhodophyta
6. Phylum Phaeophyta
7. Phylum Chlorophyta
Choose only five

Q1(a) ii
1. Phylum Rhizopoda - amoeba
2. Phylum Zoomastigina - trypanosome
3. Phylum Ciliophora - paramecium
4. Phylum Sporozoa - plasmodium
5. Phylum Rhodophyta - gracilaria
6. Phylum Phaeophyta - sargassum
7. Phylum Chlorophyta - chlorella


i. Vector is an organism that carries a disease from an infected organism to another
ii. Pathogen is a disease causing organism

(d) Copy the table as in the question
Causative organism: Vibro cholerae

Mode of transmission: contaminated food and water

Symptom: diarrhoea

Causative organism: plasmodium

Mode of transmission: bite of female anopheles mosquito

Symptom: abnormal high body temperature

Ring worm
Causative organism: fungi

Mode of transmission direct contact with infected person

Symptom:itching and hair breakage

Causative organism: virus
Mode of transmission: air droplet infection
Fever and running nose

Q1 (e)
1. Sleeping in treated mosquito net
2. Pouring oil on stagnant water to reduce the surface tension and deprive the larvae of oxygen supply
3. By using mosquito repellents and creams
4. By spraying rooms with short acting but effective insecticides
5. By disilting of chocked gutters
6. By covering of water containers and burying of empty cans
7. By introducing Tilapia's into water bodies to feed on the mosquito larvae

Vitamins are group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.

Vitamin: C
One Function: Healing of wounds
One Deficiency: Scurvy
One Source: Citrus Fruits

Vitamin: D
One Function: Strong bones and teeth
One Deficiency: Rickets
One Source: Eggs

Vitamin: B
One Function: Releases energy from cabohydraes
One Deficiency: Beri-beri
One Source: Yeast

Vitamin: K
One Function: Clotting of blood
One Deficiency: Failure of blood to clot
One Source: Milk

(i) Iron: Assists in nitrate and sulfate reduction and energy production within the plant

(ii) Nitrogen: For rapid growth

(iii) Calcium: It is responsible for holding together the cell walls of plants


5a. Osmoregulation

Osmoregulation is the active regulation of the osmotic pressure of an organism's body fluids, detected by osmoreceptors, to maintain the homeostasis of the organism's water content; that is, it maintains the fluid balance and the concentration of electrolytes (salts in solution) to keep the fluids from becoming too diluted or concentrated. Osmotic pressure is a measure of the tendency of water to move into one solution from another by osmosis. The higher the osmotic pressure of a solution, the more water tends to move into it. Pressure must be exerted on the hypertonic side of a selectively permeable membrane to prevent diffusion of water by osmosis from the side containing pure water.

(i) Rokert hoot
(ii) Felix Diyardin
(iii) Mathias Schleidon.
(iv) Theodor Schwom

In a tabular form:
Classes of plants based on life cycle and Two examples

Classes | Examples
(i) Anual | Vegetable, Cotton
(ii) Biennials | Carrot, Ginger
(iii) Perennials | Cocoa/banana

The amniotic fluid help to neutralize the effect of changes of external temperature

(i) Rhizobium : It helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen directly into the plant.
(ii) Azotobacter: It can fix atmospheric nitrogen into the soil either aerobically or anaerobically.
(iii) Blue-green algae: They are mainly auto trophic plants; they can synthesize their own food.

Draw the diagram
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