Nigerian Musician Vs Journalist : The Love-Hate Relationship - Nitegist Home of Eccentric News, Entertainment ,Music, Gossip and Gist


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Friday, September 28, 2018

Nigerian Musician Vs Journalist : The Love-Hate Relationship

                                                                                                                                                                   This week we have seen individuals ascend with regards to Wizkid, who was in the spotlight because of charges made against him by Osagie Alonge, the Editor-in-Chief of Pulse Nigeria. The case played out like a film. On Monday, Osagie's Loose Talk digital broadcast was discharged. On Tuesday, the nation was extremely worked up against the profundity of data that was shared. The digital recording would later be erased and altered, with Osagie asserting dangers against his better half. It would end with him offering expressions of remorse to Wizkid and various individuals he said on the digital broadcast. 

By and by, we have an instance of a Nigerian columnist and a performer being at the focal point of the news because of a journalistic incident. The connection between the two gatherings is an intriguing one; they require each other to commoditize the workmanship and offer the big name, however they are likewise careful about one another. The artist is vigilant that daily would come when the writer would peel back the drape to uncover their touchy business. Your most loved music saint is the miscreant in someone's story, however it isn't news on the grounds that the writers are ignorant. Writers are careful about the artists since they can be incidentally imperiled by the rich stars to positively introduce them to the majority. They adore the music, however the performers are more than news sources. They may have the ability to trade off. 

Truly, music stars for the most part profit than writers. What's more, cash can be a hard thing to decline for a considerable measure of pressmen who work an unpleasant activity in an industry that is uncertain and changing so quick. Nobody is ensured anything. Some of the time, the impulse to offer your spirit turns out to be excessively. 

It is this carefulness that characterizes connection by the two gatherings. They adore each other for what they speak to one another. However, they likewise realize that they have the ability to hurt one another. Columnists by and large know excessively – particularly writers with get to. The best culture columnists in Africa have so much access and data than can't be imparted to people in general. A few things are excessively fragile, excessively hallowed, excessively touchy, making it impossible, making it impossible to be yielded on the sacrificial table of "I'm being a courageous pressman." 

All things considered, at the specific focal point of showbiz is the curation of overwhelming persona. At the point when the draperies are opened, a portion of the uncovered learning are destructive. It possibly has the ability to hurt the business. This sort of intensity in the hands of a foolhardy individual, just prompts mayhem and pessimism. 

As a writer with some experience, I have found that the most ideal approach to this work, is to center around getting the best substance out, rather than greatness chasing. Our work isn't about us, we wouldn't be stars by pursuing the stars, however we can sparkle by being vessels of truth and substance. 

Throughout the years, while contemplating the greatest music columnists in the US and UK, I found that they aren't enemies of specialists or hostile to prominent conclusion. Neither do they uncover excessively. Matter-of-certainty, they are mates with the performers, which enables them to appropriately get into spaces where they can recount extraordinary stories. 

The main issue here in Nigeria is that when columnists progress toward becoming companions, they lose their feeling of obligation, and start to adjust reality. You can both be a companion and a writer. Battling never helps anybody, rather it accepts away an open door for development on the two closures. 

Evaluating a bit of craftsmanship isn't a chance to conflict with the craftsman with a view to motivate individuals to state, "Fellow, you are the realest." No. That is brilliance chasing. It's an opportunity to appropriately absorb and give individuals a superior comprehension of the craftsmanship. It is anything but a battle. 

You don't need to demonstrate that you regard anybody. You just need to approach your work every day with your best foot forward, and attempt to recount the best stories or break down craftsmanship the most target way. What's more, trust me, you don't find out about a particular venture than its maker. 

Evaluating is your own enthusiastic response to and a scholarly examination of a bit of craftsmanship. You've three instruments: proof, knowledge and setting. Utilize them admirably, however comprehend it's not supreme FACTS! 

Regard doesn't stop by assaulting a craftsman. It stops by being the individual with the best and truthful comprehension of the craftsmanship, and passing on that to everybody. That way, you develop, and you gain that regard and clout. It's the means by which this thing works. 

A troublemaker is a troublemaker. Have you at any point seen a troublemaker recount the best stories? No. They exist as a mainstay of disunity, frequently making the most clamor, yet never getting the best work. What they have as a glad record is their inconvenience. 

I have incredible associations with a considerable measure of craftsmen and their directors. I have been in their spaces, eaten their nourishment, and drank their Henny. In any case, I have found out about procedures, showcasing, and creation techniques. I have seen their spirits, and comprehended their work better. 

Take for instance: Many performers don't set out to make hit records for this market. They have particular targets, and they make music likewise to mirror that. In the event that the tune accomplishes what they needed, at that point they are fruitful. In any case, we won't comprehend that on the off chance that we don't lock in. 

In the event that you need clout and regard, at that point we have to approach our work from an insider viewpoint, with a view to swinging that to training for untouchables. We should be better at social occasion data and characterizing workmanship in the most target way that is available. How about we escape our heads.


  1. this is what the entertainment industry is facing

  2. Moreover, study programs grant them an opportunity to acquire the desired stage presence.


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