Being Gay is God’s Greatest Gift To Me - Apple CEO, Tim Cook Makes Public Declaration - Nitegist Home of Eccentric News, Entertainment ,Music, Gossip and Gist


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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Being Gay is God’s Greatest Gift To Me - Apple CEO, Tim Cook Makes Public Declaration

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple took the world by surprised after he revealed that he is G.ay, 4 years ago.

Speaking recently with CNN, Mr Cook said, he’s happy about the distinction as the first CEO of a major company to ever come out as G.ay — and his decision.

Tim, whose sexuality had always sparked speculations prior to his coming out, in October 2014 told Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday in an exclusive interview for her program on CNN International and PBS, that being G.ay is God’s greatest gift to him.

”I’m very proud of it, Being G.ay is “God’s greatest gift to me.

“I was public because I started to receive stories from kids who read online that I was G.ay.”

According to Cook, his decision to unveil his sexuality became important in order to help people especially children who said they had been ostracized, bullied or abused because of their sexual orientation.

“I needed to do something for them,” Cook said. He wanted to demonstrate to G.ay children that they “can be G.ay and still go on and do some big jobs in life.”

The Apple CEO said he is glad other CEOs have come out since his revelation, although that wasn’t his goal, adding that coming out has helped him as a leader.

“I learned what it was like to be a minority,” Cook told CNN. “The feeling of being in a minority gives you a level of empathy for other people who are not in the majority.”

“That turns out to be pretty beneficial from this role as well.”

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