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Monday, August 17, 2020

Importance of women in the society at large

Importance of women in the society has always been undeniably huge. However, this fact has not always been taken for granted during the history.

Unfortunately, in many cases, women are mistreated badly and very often the importance of women in the society is underestimated.
Not long time ago, main activities in women’s lives were considered being a good cook, an abiding wife, taking care of the kids and the household. What else? Actually nothing!

Women were not even allowed to vote in past century, there were very few female scientists because women’s education was never encouraged. Meanwhile, men were taking leading positions in business, economy, science and were making the image of the society.

For a very long time, women were considered inferior to men. However, the role of a woman in society has significantly changed during recent decades. The first positive changes connected with the role of the women became especially obvious after the World War I.

Gradually people started realizing the importance of women in the society as it is. It’s safe to say that it didn’t happen easily. It took lots of tears, fights, struggle for many generations of women to, at least, get the right to vote.
Do I think that women now have no problem of equality in the society? I’m afraid, I can’t say that.

oveview of the importance of womenin the society:
Today the importance of women in the society is beyond any suspicion. In today’s world, women with their ambitions, intelligence and strength have proved that the word “inferior” has nothing in common with their gender.
The traditional and stereotyped approach towards women as wives and just reproducers of generation is extinct. It’s not a secret, that besides being good mommies, cooks, and housewives, women are also as successful in all areas as men.
Women have proven that they’re not only a tool for bringing up children. They can also be full members of society having their influence on all areas unconditionally. Though there are still some issues connected with gender equality. Some people think that the role of a woman and a man are different in the society.

The roles might be different but that dosent makethem more or less important:
Well, in this article I won’t discuss whether this theory is right or not. Defining the role of men and women and stating whether the roles are the same in the society or not is somehow complicated. If you want to know my opinion then, no other person can play the role of another one, BUT those roles should not be defined by gender for sure.

I’ll give you an example. Let’s imagine a married couple. The wife has better career opportunities at that point than the husband and they are well-aware of that. On the top of that, they just had a baby. So, they think it’ll be more efficient if the husband takes care of the baby and the wife continues her work. And all of a sudden they face a legal problem, there is only maternity-leave.
So, the husband can’t take a paternity-leave and take care of the baby while the wife is making their living and building a career. In this case, we don’t face a stereotyped thinking inside the society, but we face it in terms of laws and regulations. You may believe it or not, but there are many counties in the world, that don’t have such gender-flexible rules.
In this article, we won’t go deep into the roles of men and women. this time we will skip comparisons as it would lead to confusion. We will just state the facts proving the importance of women in the society. How women reflect on society, how it changed and why should one never underestimate the importance of women in the society.

A little bit of history/ what was the importance of women in the society like before

It was not until 1920 when women finally got the right to vote. This was 50 years after the male ex-slaves of the United States were gaining the right to vote. Though women had already right to vote, the stereotypes made women be restricted in their actions. During this period the major responsibility of women was still considered to be “at home”.
Would you believe that women who were doing the same job as men were getting paid only the 60% of what man wear to paint? In fact, they were getting paid differently for doing exactly the same work. In the 1930s there was not a huge choice of workplace for women. They could still work as secretaries, nurses, teachers and social workers.

These kinds of professions were considered typically female professions and were paid much less than other professions. That kind of restrictions themed unbearable for some women. They rejected to go on with this rules anymore. They changed their hair color, style appearance and started to fight against the existing stereotypes.
Those women were named in history as “flappers”. The first time in history they started wearing short skirts which were something shocking to the society. They also started driving cars, drinking alcohol, which raised a huge boom. Those kinds of things were considered “Non-feminine”.
Actions of flappers were accepted as radical, though they had their influence on the society finally. The heavy restrictions started disappearing every year and today we have what we have.

the importance of women in the society and economy

Throughout history, the central role of women in society has ensured the stability, progress and long-term development of nations.
Globally, women comprise 43 percent of the world’s agricultural labor force – rising to 70 percent in some countries. For instance, across Africa, 80 percent of the agricultural production comes from small farmers, most of whom are rural women. It’s widely accepted that agriculture can be the engine of growth and poverty reduction in developing nations. Women, notably mothers, play the largest role in decision-making about family meal planning and diet. And, women self-report more often their initiative in preserving child health and nutrition.

One of the key components of a very strong economic growth is the financial empowerment of women. Unfortunately, the financial empowerment of women still remains something not common in many countries of the world.
However, it is essential to realize that enriching the role of women in the economy will lead to the country becoming more stable. It will help to reduce the poverty.

the importance of women in society and agriculture
Don’t know why, but the word “farmer” is very often associated with a man for many of us. So will you be surprised to know that the vast majority of agriculture workers are women?
Yes, exactly thanks to them you have the opportunity to eat healthy today.

"When women are empowered and can claim their rights and access to land, leadership, opportunities and choices, economies grow, food security is enhanced and prospects are improved for current and future generations ", Michelle Bachelet - Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women

Women are the backbone of the development of rural and national economies. They comprise 43% of the world’s agricultural labor force, which rises to 70% in some countries.
In Africa, 80% of the agricultural production comes from small farmers, who are mostly rural women. Women comprise the largest percentage of the workforce in the agricultural sector, but do not have access and control over all land and productive resources.
During the last ten years, many African countries have adopted new land laws in order to strengthen women’s land ownership rights. This has helped improve the situation of rural women.
To this effect, the lack of appreciation of the role of rural women in agriculture is harmful and gives rise to a lack of specific policies, policies which are misdirected, high levels of poverty, illiteracy and non-involvement in the design and planning of programs and policies, which involves a process of mutual learning that reflects the real and specific needs of rural women.
Despite the important roles they play in agricultural economies, rural women in Africa suffer from the highest illiteracy rates and are the most visible face of poverty.
Women guarantee livelihoods, especially in rural areas. As a result of their great efforts in agricultural production, women’s production helps to guarantee their self-sustenance.

the importance of women in the society and politics
For a very long time, women and politics were standing far from each other and all was because of deeply rooted stereotypes, which excluded the role of women in any political affairs. There was a strong belief that women have nothing to do with politics.

Facts, however, come to prove the opposite. Women in politics are not a bit less successful than men. The number of women politicians and political leaders is increasing every day. The political empowerment of women can become a powerful tool for increasing the importance of women in the society, as this let women raise their voice for a large audience.

They will have the opportunity to talk about such issues as gender inequality, women healthcare and the protection of the rights of women and girls.

the imprtance of women in society and entrepreneurship
A lot of cool startups small businesses are established by a number of women. Many of them appear to be successful enough to boost the economy. Women in entrepreneurs form their roles and emphasize the importance of women the society. Though even today number of gender-based issues make it hard for a woman to establish her own business.

Very often this happens because this sphere is considered a man possessed. It requires huge efforts for a woman to enter the sphere where she is not welcomed. That is also essential to state number of social entrepreneurs which reflect on today’s society in an extremely positive way.
Their main aim is to raise the problems of society and help people in need to deliver their message expecting a better life. By the steps, we are making huge efforts to change the world for better.

the importance of women in the society and family
Though today women are striving for being appreciated not only as wives but also for their professional skills and qualities, there can’t be even any suspicion one of the most significant roles of women is keeping up family values.

Let’s imagine a woman is the chief executive of the family. She’s the one who assigns tasks to family members and is responsible for them to fulfill it. Let’s agree every enterprise comes to total destruction without a chief executive. So, the same problem is in the family as well. It’s impossible to imagine it without women!

Woman is man’s helpmate, partner and comrade. She sacrifices her personal pleasure and ambitions, sets standard of morality, relieves stress and strain, tension of husband, maintains peace and order in the household. Thereby she creates necessary environment for her male partner to think more about the economic up liftment of family. She is the source of inspiration to man for high endeavour and worth achievements in life.
She stands by him in all the crises as well as she shares with him all successes and attainments. She is the person to whom he turns for love, sympathy, understanding, comfort and recognition. She is the symbol of purity, faithfulness and submission and devotion to her husband.

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